Domain Search
We provide multiple options for searching for available domains. Begin your search now!
Single Domain Search
The Single Domain Search option allows you to search for the availability of a single domain name. You will find versions of this type of search on many pages of the site (including the top of this page). Simply enter in the domain name you are interested in and press the "Search" button.
Multiple Domain Search
This option allows you to search for the availability of up to 500 domain names at one time. Simply enter the domain names you would like to search for by entering one domain name per line and then pressing the "Submit" button. If you enter more than 500 domains, we will process the first 500 and display a message indicating that the excess domains have been removed from the search.
Upload Domain List
This option allows you to upload a .txt file with up to 500 domains, with each domain on it's own line in the file. As long as you upload a file with a .txt extension that is not larger than 2MB, your results will display. Simply click the "Browse" button to locate the .txt file on your computer and then click the "Submit" button. Like with the Multiple Domain Search, if you enter more than 500 domains, we will process the first 500 and display a message indicating that the excess domains have been removed from the search.
- There is no need to enter the domain extension (.com, .net, etc.) in your search as we will display the availability for all extensions on the Domain Search Results page.
- A valid domain must conform to these specifications:
- A limit of 63 characters (not including the extension/TLD)
- Can only use the following characters:
- The 26 letters in the English language
- Numbers
- Hyphens
- Cannot begin or end with a hyphen
- If you enter any domains that do not fit the criteria listed above, our system will notify you of any such queries and give you an opportunity to correct them.
- Domain names are not case-sensitive.