Portfolio Manager
Portfolios are an excellent way of grouping domains. You can create an unlimited number of portfolios and assign an unlimited number of domains to each. Portfolios are especially helpful within the Domain Manager as you can select domains to update (like renewing, updating domain contacts, setting name servers, etc.) based upon a portfolio selection. For example, if you wanted to renew all of the domains in a specific portfolio, you could select that portfolio, check all of the domains, and then click "Renew".
Portfolio selection is also available for registering and transferring domains within the configuration options of the shopping cart.
The following information and functionality is available on the Portfolio Manager page:
- Portfolio Name
The name of your portfolio. - Number of Domains
The number of domains within that portfolio. Clicking this number will take you to the Domain Manager with that portfolio pre-selected. - Change Name
Allows you to change the name of your portfolio. Names must be 24 characters or less. Once you change the name, all domains in that portfolio will remain, only the name of the portfolio changes. - Delete
Choosing to delete a portfolio will both remove the portfolio name from the system as well as removing the association of any domains currently linked to that portfolio. Any domains linked to a deleted portfolio will be completely unchanged other than removing their association to the deleted portfolio.