Forgot Domain Defender Answers
You will not be able to make changes to your account or domains if you forget the answers
to one or more of your selected Domain Defender questions. In the event this happens to
you, the only option available is to deactivate Domain Defender for your account. Since
all answers are encrypted, we have no way to retrieve your answers.
To have
Domain Defender deactivated for your account, please visit the Domain Defender page in your account. You
will have 2 options to deactivate Domain Defender from the "Status" drop-down:
- Online
You should use this option if you can correctly answer your Domain Defender questions. Simply enter your account password and the answers to your Domain Defender questions and it will be deactivated immediately. - Via your email address
You should use this option if you cannot correctly answer your Domain Defender questions. You will be asked for your account password and the answer to your main account security question. Our system will then email you a 10-character code which you will need to enter as well. Once you have done so, Domain Defender will be deactivated.
If you do not know the answer to your Domain Defender questions, or if you do not know the answer to your security question and do not have access to the email address associated with your account, we will need to go through more steps to verify your identity. Please read the "What if I forgot the answer to my security question?" section on our Password Retrieval page to begin the process.