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About NameSilo

Brisio Acquisition

March 7, 2018.... We are pleased to announce that we have entered into an agreement with Brisio Innovations Inc. which will lead to NameSilo going public and offering the following benefits to our customers:

  • The Same NameSilo You Know
    Our founding team is still here and running the business exactly as before. You can continue to expect the same great services at our super low prices. There will be no changes to current systems/architecture - everything will work as it always has.
  • Improved Customer Support
    We will be adding internal staff in an effort to offer better and faster support to our growing international customer-base.
  • More Tools
    More developers will be joining our team and over time we plan to offer improved tools to all customers.

We are very excited about the increased investment and opportunity this offers for us, our customers and our partners. We consider ourselves lucky to have worked and developed alongside our customers over the years and are looking forward to an even brighter future as a result of this agreement with Brisio. For more information, please see the complete press release.


Michael Goldfarb & Michael McCallister
NameSilo Founders