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About NameSilo

Reseller Options

We are frequentlty asked if we have reseller accounts that are available. It seems most people are asking either because they would like to be resellers of domains to their customers, or because many of our competitors offer their best pricing via their reseller programs. We have information below for both types of request:


We have a number of people and companies who are active resellers of ours. We have an API that many people have used as well as modules for WHMCS, HostBill, Blesta, BoxBilling and Clientexec if you are familiar with any of those platforms. We also have an affiliate program for more simplistic referrals.

Most importantly for many resellers, we offer many options for private-labeling our services. All communication from us to your customers can be customized to include your company name and email address and you can even add your own custom message to WHOIS output. All of these options are completely free to use and you can read more on the Reseller Manager page.

Special Reseller Pricing

There is no special pricing for resellers, but all customers (including resellers), qualify for discounts via the NameSilo Discount Program.