Domain Push
Pushing domains is simply moving a domain from one NameSilo account to a different NameSilo account. The only requirement for pushing a domain is that it be unlocked. You simply need to enter your password and the receiving party's username. Once the account push has been completed, the domain will automatically be locked within the receiving account. The only information needed to push a domain is the username of the account to push the domain to. Pushing domains is completely free of charge.
The receiving account is required to have their default contact record email address verified in order to receive a domain push. Our system will notify you if you try to push a domain to an unverified account.
Please use pushing domains only if you understand the consequences of doing so. Once you push a domain to a different account, you lose all control over that domain.
Steps to push a domain
- Go to the Domain Manager page within your account
- Check the box(es) next to the domain(s) you would like to push
- Select the "Push Domains" icon from the top of the domain list in the "ACTIONS for Selected Domains" section