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Domain Manager

Google Verification and Blogger Instructions

Step 1

Make sure your domain is using our default name servers.

Your domain must be using our default name servers in order for us to run DNS for you**. Check to make sure that the name servers for your domain are set to:


**Remember that name server changes can take up to 72 hours to fully propagate, so if you need to change your name servers as part of this process then you may need to wait for propagation to occur. Also, please remember that services you had running via previously entered name servers likely will stop working.

Step 2

Apply the necessary DNS template

We have made it easy for you to create the CNAME and A Records necessary for the integration with Google. Here are the steps to apply the DNS template:

  1. Go to the DNS Manager page for your domain. You can access the DNS Manager page by going to the Domain Manager page and then clicking the blue globe icon under the "Options" column.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the DNS Manager page until you see the "DNS Templates" section.
  3. Click the "Apply Template" button for the "Blogger" template.
  4. A pop-up window will open showing you the DNS record changes that will be made.
  5. Click the "Accept" button in the pop-up window.
  6. The pop-up window will close and you will have the necessary CNAME and A Record DNS resource records that Google requires.

Step 3

Verify your site with Google

Google will require that you verify your site prior to being able to complete the integration. Please follow these steps to complete your web site verification:

Register your site with Google's Webmaster Tools

  1. Log in to your Google Account
  2. Go to Webmaster tools (If you do not know how, go to https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/home after logging into your account).
  3. Click the red "ADD A SITE" button on the top of the Webmaster Tools page.
  4. A pop-up window will open asking for the URL of your site. Enter your domain name with a "www" in that box. For example, if your domain was "namesilo.info", you would enter "www.namesilo.info".
  5. Click the blue "Continue" button.
  6. The following page will ask you to verify your ownership of the domain.
  7. Click the "Alternate methods" option.
  8. Select the "Domain name provider" radio button.
  9. Select "Other" from the bottom of the "Select your domain registrar or provider" drop-down menu.
  10. You will see a TXT record that must be created. It will look something like
  11. Copy that entire TXT record.
  12. Return to the DNS Manager for the domain in your account with us. This is the same screen you went to in Step 2 to apply the DNS template.
  13. In the "Add/Edit a Resource Record" box, select the "TXT/SPF" link.
  14. Leave HOSTNAME blank.
  15. Paste the entire TXT record from Google in the "TEXT" box.
  16. Leave the TTL at the default value (probably 7200).
  17. Click the orange "SUBMIT" button.
  18. You will now see the TXT record in the "Existing Resource Records" section along with the previously created A Record and CNAME.
  19. Return to the Google page where you got the TXT record to use and click the "VERIFY" button.
  20. It will take at least 5 minutes from the time you create the TXT record on our site for Google to be able to "see" that the record has been created (Possibly longer if you needed to change name servers in Step 1). Google's system will retry periodically and let you know when the site has been verified. You can also click the "VERIFY" button after waiting 5 minutes to trigger Google to try again.
  21. Your domain is now verified!

Blogger Setup

Now that your domain is verified with Google you can configure it to use Blogger. Simply follow the instructions below in the Blogger administration area:

  1. Click the "New Blog" box.
  2. Enter your initial configuration options.
  3. Go to the Settings page for your new blog.
  4. Under "Publishing" click the blue link to "+ Add a custom domain".
  5. Click the blue link for "Switch to advanced settings".
  6. Enter your domain name in the "Advanced settings" section. Blogger will already have "http://" written, so just enter your domain name in the box. For example, if your domain was "namesilo.info", you would enter "www.namesilo.info".
  7. Click the orange "Save" button.
  8. Your blog should now be functional using your domain name! Remember that it might not load right away as it could take some time for Blogger to setup the blog and for the DNS changes to fully propagate. If your blog is not loading using your domain name, try emptying your browser cache or trying a different browser entirely. If it still does not load, wait 30 minutes and try again.
  9. If you want your blog to work by just typing in the domain without the "www", you can click the "Edit" link in the "Blog Address" area of the Blogger admin area. There will be a checkbox to redirect the domain to the "www" equivalent".