NameSilo Staff

Containerized WordPress vs. Shared Hosting

Today, it’s easy to create a website, and there are numerous ways to do so. One such way is to build a website on WordPress, which is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) there is. 

However, supporting one of these websites can often present challenges. Finding the best way to support your website depends on whether you are implementing containerized WordPress or shared hosting. This piece will explore some aspects involved.

What Is a Container?

For those unfamiliar with software terminology, a container is a standard unit of software that packages up codes and all its dependencies on one easy-to-manage unit. Hence, the operation runs faster and more efficiently from one computing environment to another. 

Everything an application needs to run, including its binary configuration files and dependencies, is isolated and confined in its container. Individual containers are obstructed from the host OS, with limited access to underlying resources. Consequently, a containerized application can run on different types of infrastructure without the need to refactor them for each environment.

run wordpress in a container

Can I Run WordPress in a Container?

You can leverage Docker to easily run WordPress in an isolated environment built with Docker containers. Here’s a look at how you can set up and run WordPress in a container: 

  • Define the project: This entails creating an empty project directory (name the directory something you can easily remember), creating files that start your WordPress blog, and a separate MySQL instance that has volume mounts of data persistence. 
  • Build the project: This involves running your project in a detached mode to pull the necessary Docker images and start the WordPress and database containers. 
  • Build WordPress in a web browser: At this stage, WordPress should be running on the port of your Docker host. 
  • Shutdown and clean up: This command will remove the containers and default networks while at the same time preserving your WordPress database.

Why Do We Need to Dockerize?

Dockerizing allows you to create, deploy, and run applications more conveniently with the help of containers. Docker is basically concerned with packaging applications with all the necessary libraries and other dependencies in a container. Some of the benefits of using Docker include: 

  • Cost Effectiveness: Docker minimizes the volume of infrastructure resources needed for development since the containers built for various individual processes are sharable with other applications that have similar instances as these containerized apps. As such, less memory is utilized. 
  • Consistent and Isolated Environment: Docker provides you with a consistent and isolated environment. Docker takes the responsibility of segregating and isolating apps such that each container gains the capacity to access all the necessary resources in an isolated manner. 
  • Ensures flexibility and scalability: Docker’s consistent environment makes it easy to sort out Docker images across multiple servers. For example, suppose you need to upgrade during the release of an app, you can conveniently make the changes in Docker containers, test them, and launch new containers.

What Is Shared Hosting?

Shared hosting refers to a web hosting service where your website shares the resources of a single server with other websites. The main advantage of using shared hosting is that such services are usually available at affordable prices. 

Many people tend to confuse shared hosting with managed WordPress hosting, even though they are different. While shared hosting entails different websites sharing resources from a single server, managed WordPress hosting is a hosting service that offers the most powerful technologies for your WordPress website to ensure it is secure and fast.

How Containerized WordPress and Shared Hosting Differ?

Containerized WordPress and shared hosting differ. Containerized WordPress involves deploying WordPress as containers to get the most out of the application. The containers are designed to function well together, are extensively documented, and allow operations to run faster and more efficiently. Shared hosting, on the other hand, is a type of web hosting service where multiple websites share resources from a single server.


As businesses increasingly adopt the digital approach, an influx of websites is building up on the internet. Having a good website can help you remain competitive in the hypercompetitive digital world. 

Are you looking for web hosting services? NameSilo offers affordable yet excellent web hosting services. We use blazing fast servers with enterprise-level security and world-class support. Sign up today for our web hosting services.

About the Author:

NameSilo Staff

The NameSilo staff of writers worked together on this post. It was a combination of efforts from our passionate writers that produce content to educate and provide insights for all our readers.

by NameSilo Staff's.

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