Report Abuse

You can use this page to initiate an abuse report concerning a domain registered with us. Before doing so, it is extremely important that you understand our positions and the services we do and do not provide.

We are an ICANN-accredited domain registrar. This means we allow our customers to register and manage domain names. We also provide other optional ancillary services such as DNS managmement, web site forwarding and WHOIS privacy/proxy service.

We are not the website host and the email service provider, and, as such, our network cannot be used for sending email.

We are also not a shortcut around due process. We are not an arbiter of trademark, copyright, intellectual property, etc. disputes. There are established processes in place for dealing with many common disputes, but we are not to be used as a shortcut around those processes.

As a result of the foregoing, we will not consider abuse complaints dealing with any of the following unless directed to via a court of adequate jurisdiction, or our WHOIS privacy/proxy service is being used and your sole request is to reveal the Registrant's details:
  • Trademark disputes relating to a domain name: If you are the holder of a trademark that you feel is being infringed upon via a domain name registered with us, you are advised to consider a UDRP dispute. We will comply as required by ICANN rules upon the commencement of a UDRP dispute.
  • Copyright disputes: If you are a copyright holder and believe your rights are being infringed, we recommend you file a DMCA complaint with the hosting provider of the associated web site. Content on web sites is under the purview of the host, not upon NameSilo as the domain name registrar.
  • Spam/UCE: As noted above, we do not allow anybody to send email using our system. Therefore, if yours is a spam/UCE issue, please direct your complaint to the network/provider(s) used to deliver the email. It is too easy to spoof domain names or otherwise incorrectly implicate a domain name related to spam/UCE for us to investigate complaints.
  • Phishing/Malware: Similar to the "Copyright disputes" section above, we do not host any web sites or web page content so our systems are not used for the hosting of any phishing attempts or malware distribution.
    If you believe we can help with your phishing complaint request, please file a report here
The only type of content for which we make an exception to the policies above is in relation to child pornography or the unethcial use of minors in any way. We will consider reports concerning this type of content immediately.

Report abuse
Domain Name:
Type of Report:
Desired Resolution:
Your Name:
Your Email:

You may also contact us via, but the above form is the proper way to submit abuse reports.
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