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At NameSilo, we accept a variety of web money payments and have a secure, enterprise-grade system to ensure safe, fraud-free transactions for our customers around the world.

Elo is now internationally recognized and has been accredited by the United States through the Discover card network.

Elo Perks:

Elo Flex lets you choose the benefits that best fit your needs.
Direct, convenient, inter-bank transfer.
Purchase marketplace domains without waiting.
Accepted all throughout Brazil.
Shopping protection insurance.
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Customer Service

You can find their different Customer Services numbers on
their Contact us page

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Milpitas, California, United States

How to Pay With Your Elo

Once you purchase your first NameSilo product, we automatically generate a NameSilo account that you can modify and save as a billing profile.

To know more about managing your billing profiles, click here.

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You can add or modify billing profiles at any time.
Please keep in mind that we will place a $0.01 authorization when either of these actions are submitted in order to verify the authenticity of the credit card.
This authorization will be automatically dropped from your credit card statement within about 30-45 days depending upon your financial institution.
You can permanently remove any credit cards from your account, with the exception of the account default, at any time.

Ready to make your NameSilo purchase
with Elo?

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